Yesterday I stopped by Starbucks on the way home from daycare. I ordered a hot chocolate, which I don't even like. I sat in line while Miles fussed in the backseat and tried to figure out why I was there. Why had I risked it? I know he's begun to have less and less patience with his carseat lately, one day even crying so hard I pulled over to get him out and soothe him. So what was I doing sitting in a drive through line behind four other SUVs waiting for their tall defac cappuccinos?
And I realized I had just wanted to feel normal. I wanted to do something just because, without having to obsess over whether or not the baby was going to cry or fuss.
I know this sounds kind of selfish now, but geez, being a mom is hard! And sometimes you just have to take a time out for a margarita, a girls' night, or a freaking hot chocolate from Starbucks! : )
Yes! Normal. I get it. Without a doubt this is the hardest and best and crazy emotional role ever. Love this.